Experience the greatest show on earth by embarking on a thrilling adventure through Tanzania’s stunning wildlife havens. Discover the renowned ‘northern circuit,’ comprising the Serengeti, Lake Manyara, Tarangire, and the iconic Ngorongoro Crater. For the daring explorers, venture south to the expansive Selous and Ruaha National Parks, where a select few intimate camps and expert guides promise an unforgettable safari experience. Alternatively, set your sights westward to the remote wonders of Katavi, where magnificent buffalo herds and majestic lions await. And don’t miss the chance to delve into the lush forests of the Mahale Mountains, situated along the shores of Lake Tanganyika, for an unrivaled chimpanzee trekking adventure. Join us now and be part of the greatest show on earth!
Magnus R2023-03-23Verified Greatest private safari Me, my wife and our two girls 16 and 13 years old had a private safari with FirstSafariJoyce and Ibrahim. We went all the way from Dar Es Salaam to Selous/Nyerere National Park in his safari car (5h). Ibrahim was very experienced in both driving, guiding and to find animals in the park. Lions, giraffs, buffalos, elephant, impalas, zebras, hippos, gnus, crocs and more. We also had a separate boat safari on the river, unfortunately too high water level this time a year to see many crocodiles. Stayed in Mloka Safari Lodge, medium standard with very good food. My wife and I have been on many safaris in younger days but this was the first time for our children. I was recommended this small company from a friend and I can really recommend the same. /Magnus with family from Sweden Jabily2022-08-30Verified Perfect Country to vsist Game drive was just amazing and Zanzibar island was very spectacular. If some want to visit this amazing land just combine both Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar island Roland H2022-08-16Verified Great We had a great time and saw many animals and Ibrahim was a great guide.It was a long travel time but was worth it. Tobias L2022-07-28Verified The best 3 days in my life The best event i experience in my life And the best guide!!! We saw Lions, Leopard, Elephant, Giraffe, Zebra, Monkey, Crocodile and a lot of other animalsTripadvisor rating score: 5.0 of 5, based on 4 reviews